To Be Returned

The To Be Returned (TBR) program allows you to call up any items that are scheduled to be returned, adjust the amount to be returned, if desired, and then process returns. (For more detail about the Returns program, click here.)

To access the To Be Returned program ...

This screen is a gateway where you can view or change any and all items that are scheduled to be returned within [i] Merchant. You can also create Returns at this screen.

To locate items that are scheduled to be returned using a basic search:


You can also use the Advanced Search option to find items. The Advanced Search is good for creating search templates that define more complex searches. Using the Advanced Search option is a good way to select items to place on Returns. For detailed information on Advanced Searches, please click here.

Once you have defined your search and clicked on the Find button, a list of matches will appear in the grid at the bottom of the screen. (The columns in this grid can be altered and maintained using the Column Designer.)

You now have a list of items scheduled to be returned. Now you want to do something with these items--probably process a return for them. Before processing a return, though, it might be wise to check the returns values for the items. If the values (for example, quantity to be returned) are fine, you don't need to change them. If you need to change them, however, you can. This is what the To Be Returned Properties window is for. It lets you review (and alter, if needed) the returns-based values for the items.

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To access the TBR Properties window for an item on the grid:

or . . .


The TBR Properties window has the following characteristics and fields:

The top portion of the TBR Properties screen is a display window. This will be filled in with information concerning the selected item (for instance, item name or description, onhand quantity, author, etc.) This is strictly an informational window. You can control what types of information display in the window via the Screen Designer (in Screen Designer, select File-Open from Database-Product Viewer-Returns, then use the Palette to determine what should appear in the TBR Properties window).

The individual fields reside underneath the display window:

The Product field fills in with the product number for the item you just selected. This is an informational field and cannot be changed. The word "Product" is underlined and is a hyperlink. If you click on it, you will be taken directly to the Product Properties page for the selected item.

Below the Product field, there is the Vendor field. If the TBR entry selected came in automatically from a Problem Code entry in Receiving, this field will be filled in with the vendor you received the item from. If you are creating a new TBR entry manually, this field will be blank until either A) you fill it in, or B) you select an invoice from the Receiving window to the right, in which case the vendor you received the item from will appear in the Vendor field. At any time while on the TBR Properties screen, you can change the vendor in this field. Notice, too, that the word "Vendor" is underlined and is a hyperlink. If you click on it, you will be taken directly to the Vendor Properties page for the selected item.

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The Quantity field automatically fills in with the amount processed in Receiving. The item itself was likely brought into the TBR program via a Problem Code attached to it in Receiving. At this point, you can change the Quantity value, if you need to.

The Unit Cost field represents what you paid the vendor for each copy of the item you are returning. For example, if you purchased 10 copies at $2.00 apiece, your unit cost would be $2.00. Fill this field in manually, if desired. However, if you select an invoice in the Receiving window to the right, this field will automatically fill in with the correct information.

The Retail field automatically fills in with the retail cost for the product you are returning, though you can change this value here if needed.

The Discount field represents the discount you were given when you purchased this item from the vendor. You can fill this in manually, but it will fill in automatically if you select an invoice from the Receiving window to the right.

The Total Cost field equals the Unit Cost times the Quantity. So, if you purchased 10 copies of something at $2.00 each, the Total Cost will fill in automatically with $20.00.

Returned Type is the to-be-returned type for this particular item for the scheduled return (for example, you may have a return type of P for Publisher, V for Vendor, and so on). Select the one that makes the most sense. (If you need to view information on how to select a parameter in a code-driven field, please click here.)

At the Return Type Parameter screen, if needed, you can create a new Return Type or change the parameters for an existing one. For more information on how to set up and maintain basic parameter information, please click here.

The Invoice Number field is self-explanatory.

The Invoice Date field will default to the current date, though you can change it if needed, either by keying in the new date or by clicking on the arrow to the right of the field and selecting the desired date on the mini-calendar.

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In the Problem Code field, key in or select the Problem Code, if one exists, for the product you are returning. Most likely, one will already be there, automatically carried over from Receiving.

In the Return Reason Code field, key in or select the Return Reason Code, if one exists, for the product you are returning.

The Comment field on the bottom is a free-form field where you can key in a comment for your information. It may be a reason why the item is being returned--something more specific than what the Problem Code tells you. Use this field (or ignore it) as you see fit.

The Receiving window at the right allows you to select an invoice and incorporate the information, thereby causing the cost and discount (and vendor) fields discussed above to fill in automatically. Essentially, this is a convenience tool. You do not need to use it. To select an invoice, double-click on it, or highlight it and press Enter. A message box will appear, asking if you want to update the Return Cost and Invoice information. If you do, click on the Yes button.


Security can be set to force an invoice selection. The Apply button at the top of the screen will be disabled until an invoice is selected. If no invoices are present, but the security for this is active, you can still proceed. An override prompt will appear asking for the overriding user and password. This will then turn off this security option and an invoice will not need to be selected.


Another security option will force the vendor in the Receiving window to match the vendor listed for the Return. If you end up selecting a vendor that doesn't match the Return vendor, a security override prompt will appear asking for overriding user and password. This will then turn off the security option and the vendors will no longer need to match.


A third security option disables all of the product fields except for quantity and Problem Code. A Cost Adjustment button will be displayed, and, once pressed, the security override prompt appears, asking for overriding user and password. This will then turn off the security option and all product fields will become activated--assuming the overriding user's other security setting provide him or her access to these fields.

Once you have all of the fields filled in appropriately, click on the Save button at the top of the window, then click on the Close button. You will be taken back to the TBR screen. Any information you changed in the TBR Properties window will be now be reflected under the column values in the grid at the bottom of the screen.


While in the TBR Properties window, if you decide not to save the changes you just made, select File-Cancel from the menu at the top of the screen. You will be taken back to the TBR screen, and no changes will have been made.

While in the TBR Properties window, if you want to print the screen, select File-Print Screen from the menu at the top of the screen.

The middle toolbar button at the top of the TBR Properties window is the Link button. Click on the arrow at the right of it, and a dropdown menu appears. Click on any one of the choices, and you will be taken to the applicable program. For example, if you click on Properties, you will be taken directly to the Product Properties program for the selected item (the one currently being displayed in the TBR Properties window). This is a navigational convenience tool.

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In addition to doing a Find to select preexisting TBR items, you can manually create new TBR items while in the TBR program. How do you do this? It's easy.

At the TBR screen, click on the New toolbar button. This calls up the New To Be Returned window.

The grid at the bottom of the TBR screen will now include the item you just manually added to the list. You can create as many new TBR items as you want in this manner.

If you want to remove an item from the grid at the bottom of the TBR screen:

You can read about the Find On List toolbar button in the Find Tutorial.

To turn on Grouping, click on the Grouping toolbar button.

You can also create actual returns for selected (or all) items on the TBR screen using the Create Returns toolbar button.

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If you want to create a return for selected items on the list:

If you want to create a return for all items on the TBR list:

In the Return Process window, the first two fields (Return Prefix and Return Suffix) are optional. Fill them in only if you wish to.

The third field, Authorization, only comes into play if you need permission from the vendor before processing a Return with them. If you need an authorization number (permission), contact the vendor ahead of time, get the authorization number, then key it into the Authorization field. If the vendor in question does not require an authorization number, simply leave the field blank. (If you are processing returns for items split among several different vendors, you should first process returns specifically for the return vendors that require authorization, then you can process the returns together for the remaining items.)

The Return Date field defaults to the current date. You can change it if you want by keying in a new date or by selecting the arrow at the right of the field and selecting the desired date on the mini-calendar.

The Vendor Selection field allows you to choose a different vendor from the one listed for the item(s) back on the list at the bottom of the To Be Returned screen. If you want to keep the vendor(s) the same, just click on the circle to the left of "Scheduled". (If it is already filled in, simply leave it.) If this is the choice you make, you can leave the Vendor field blank.

If you want to select a different vendor, click on the circle to the left of "Specific". Then either key in the short name (code) of the vendor you want in the Vendor field or click on the binoculars icon to the right of the field, and then find the desired vendor via the Find Vendor program.

Once you have set the above fields the way you want them, click on the Begin button to proceed with creating the return. (Clicking on Cancel backs you back out to the TBR screen.) A mini dialogue box pops up, asking if you are sure you want to create the return. If you are, click on "OK". The return is processed, and you are taken automatically to the Find Return screen. The return you just created is listed there. From here, if you want, you can access the Returns Properties for the just-created return by double-clicking on it or by highlighting it and clicking on the Properties toolbar icon.


Be aware that if you are creating a return with multiple items on it and some of the items have different return vendors listed on the TBR screen, you will be creating multiple returns. If, for example, the items you selected to put on returns have three different return vendors among them (on the TBR screen), you will, in effect, be creating three different returns, one for each of the return vendors. If, on the other hand, all items selected to be returned have the same vendor, you will be creating only one return.

Example: You have five items on the TBR list. Three have Ingram as their return vendor. Two have Baker & Taylor. You decide to process a return for all five items on the list.

Two returns will be created. The three Ingram items will be placed together on one return, with Ingram as the return vendor.

The two remaining items will be placed together on the other return, with Baker & Taylor as the return vendor.


After accessing the Returns Properties program for a specified return, you can add to the return, or simply review the information on it. Click here to read more on the Returns Properties screen.

Close out of the Returns Properties screen when you're finished reviewing the information.

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