[i]merchant Features
PC Inventory Software
Built into all of the basic Functions available in the [i]merchant PC inventory software system are a variety of Features that make the system flexible, easy to learn and use, and efficient to operate. They include the following:
- Industry codes let the store segregate items by the type of product that they are such as books versus general merchandise. The code dictates what the detail screens for the product type look like, not using one screen for all products.
- Scanning is supported throughout the system for EAN, ISBN, UPC, SKU, or user-created bar codes.
- Bar code labels can be generated by the system.
- All activity, like sales, receiving, returns, ordering, etc. updates the database in real time.
- All parameters, like class codes, type codes, etc. are under the store’s control, meaning that they can be added, modified, or deleted as necessary.
- System screens like product properties, order properties, customer properties, customer order properties, labels, etc. can be designed by the store. Fields on these screens can be modified or deleted, new fields can be added, and all can be repositioned to the store’s desires. This includes putting in tabs and arranging the tab order on the screens.
- The column designer allows the store to choose what fields appear on the product find, customer order and to-be-ordered forms.
- The fields on look-up screens can be repositioned according to the user’s desires. These settings are saved for that user.
- Look-up screens can be extracted to .csv files for use as a report or can be printed as is for a simple report.
- Basic look-ups can be structured to use up to 4 criteria in the search. Advanced Searches can be built using all of the properties associated with the items for a more refined search.
- Online help is available at all times for all screens/functions.
- Note fields are available for inventory items, customers, purchase orders, customer orders, and vendors. They are unlimited in size and are available throughout the system.
- Security can be managed by the store to provide or deny access to functions within the PC inventory software.
- All data and transaction activity is held permanently and can be used for reporting.
- Vendor records will contain ordering rules for individual vendors that will interact with purchasing.
- All data is accessible and can be adjusted as needed, such as changing a purchase order, adding items to that order, updating the on-hand amount for an inventory record, putting a discount on a customer order, etc.
These features, and others that are not listed here, give the [i]merchant PC inventory software system enormous flexibility and unprecedented user-control over how it looks and operates. And because we offer custom programming, we are willing to consider adding the very unique capabilities that are special to individual stores. All areas/functions of the system are completely integrated. It is fully scalable with no limitations on the size of the inventory, number of customers, number of users or workstations, registers, etc. And this includes expansion into multi-store operations. A central database can be used for all stores in a chain and that database can be accessed locally or remotely so that all locations see live data. The method of connection is determined by the store, so tools like a VPN or Remote Desktop can be utilized.
Computac, Inc. offers an online books-in-print database we call Venstock that the store can utilize for finding book titles not currently in its inventory list. The data includes the on-hand quantities at the key distributor locations. Once the title has been selected the user can add it to inventory with a keystroke. From there the store can set up a customer order/purchase order for it. Extracts for moving store inventory to a web site are available.
Support for system is available on an up to 24 X 7 basis. That support is billed as a monthly fee and includes access to new releases as they become available. The success of the [i]merchant PC inventory software system is directly related to its successful use by our customers so we are dedicated to insuring that happens.