[i]merchant Reports
Retail Inventory Software
The [i]merchant retail inventory software system will provide reports in a variety of ways. All of the find screens which result in a grid-like display of products, customers, vendors, purchase order information, to be ordered lists, etc. can be extracted to a .csv format for use with any spread sheet program. These same grids can be printed out as they appear on screen via a Quick Report. Because the sort criteria behind these look ups can be specified by the user and can involve any number of properties associated with the item, they double as a report that could show all titles by a specific publisher, or all fiction books with greater than zero on hand, or a list of available music arranged by a specific individual, or all customers with a specific zip code for a mailing.
The point of sale sub-system has the ability to run sales summaries through the receipt printer as part of the end of day processing and as specific reports. The Product Sales report shows sales by specified time frames and can be set to summarize/total the data in numerous ways. There is also a Sales and Receipts summary which shows products sold, taxes, tenders used, etc. which is like an end of day summary but over a larger time frame. There is also a battery of reports available through PCCharge which provide details about the credit card activity.
The third type of reporting available through [i]merchant is specifically designed reports. An example would be an On Hand report for inventory or purchasing reports detailing items on order or waiting to be ordered. These types of reports are being developed continually based upon customer needs.