Computer Inventory Software
Beyond the basic Functions offered by the system there are a host of Features built into our computer inventory software that enhance the ease with which the user can perform any given task, like cutting a purchase order, placing a special order, validating an invoice, or automatically applying a discount to a customer and then charging that sale to their account. Examples of those Features include the following:
- Fully scaleable - from single to multi-store operations
- AIX UNIX operating system – proven reliability plus true multi-user and multi-tasking operation
- Modular Software - the customer selects the modules desired
- All modules completely integrated - no duplicate data entry, even for Accounts Payable
- System/data access can be tightly controlled via user security settings which are established by store management
- Immediate inventory updates from POS, receiving, and returns
- Bar code scanning in all modules – EAN/ISBN/UPC/SKU formats
- A books-in-print database on the server’s hard drive, with weekly updates of on-hand quantities at distributor locations
- Add titles to store inventory from this database with 1 keystroke
- Utilities for exporting inventory information to the store web site as often as desired
- Automatically add customer orders placed on the store’s web site to the system, allocating the item if available to sell or notifying purchasing of the need for it
- Individual items can be located and tracked from multiple store departments and/or carry different prices
- Special order labels are recognized at POS. The order is closed automatically once the sale is tendered
- The Special Orders file is checked each time an item is received - if there is an open order for the item the receiver can allocate to it
- Invoices are generated for full or partial special orders that are shipped – credit card payments are automatically authorized at that time
- Customer discounts automatically applied to special orders
- Shipping fees can be automatically added to special orders, based upon the shipping method selected
- Receive by title, page of titles, or entire PO’s; up to 10 PO’s at a time
- License plate receiving is available – scan a barcode on the box and the contents are received
- Problem codes that automatically interact with purchasing, returns, and accounting as needed can be assigned to receiving discrepancies
- Debit memos can be automatically generated through receiving and returns
- Membership clubs for rewarding repeat customers
- Track and report on customer purchases
- Email from the server to customers and vendors with order notices, purchase orders, etc.
- Receive and track magazines, by issue if desired
- 6 user-defined fields on the inventory record
- Free-form notes of up to 24 lines each for customers, vendors, PO’s, inventory records, special orders; keyword searching of the inventory notes
- Customer requests for certain kinds of items are tracked and, when items matching the request are received, a special order is automatically created
- Global maintenance is widely available
- Registers have stand-alone capability for off site sales or for operation should the server or network connection be lost
There are many, many more unique features available in our computer inventory software that make data manipulation and analysis simple and effective. Most of these have arisen directly from customer requests. We readily offer custom programming and incorporate almost all of it into general releases that come out 2-3 times a year.
SQUARE ONE support is available 24 x 7. We know that our success depends upon our customers’ successful use of our software so we are dedicated to insuring that all issues are resolved quickly and efficiently.