SQUARE ONE Point of Sale
Retail POS Software
SQUARE ONE has its own retail POS software. Transactions are fast and the procedures easy to learn. Computac’s unique PC-based register includes the cash drawer, a receipt/validation/journal printer, a flat panel monitor, a keyboard with a credit card reader, a laser scanner, and the CPU. All of the functions necessary for processing any type of transaction are available. POS is completely integrated with every other module within the system. There is no need for duplicate records or for any manual transfer of daily activity. A second cash drawer with individual cash drawer management is available, as is a display post. Credit card authorization is quick, through a dial-up or an Internet connection using PCCharge, a third party credit card processing package, and is automatically initiated upon swiping the card. Our retail POS software supports product scanning using EAN, UPC, or SKU bar code formats. It also contains a complete security system that gives store management control over the type of transactions the clerks can perform.
Like all other areas of the system, POS has its own unique package of features that are aimed at maximizing the speed and accuracy of the sales transactions.
- Automatically apply discounts – by item, department, class code, or customer with activation and ending dates recognized by the system
- Up to 3 discounts can be applied manually at the time of the sale, using a % or a $ amount
- Whole order discounts can be applied at the end of the sale
- Discounting can also be prohibited selectively by management
- Attach customers to the sale for tracking or charges to their account
- Up to 9 user-defined tenders are available
- In-house or third party gift cards can be accepted
- Gift card/gift certificate/credit slip balances are tracked by the system
- Credit card processing is automatic and can be done via the Internet
- Multiple tenders can be accepted
- Taxes are automatically applied
- A special event code can be assigned to the sale – reports can be run to see the impact of the event on sales
- Quick keys can be established for adding common items like newspapers to a sale
- The clerk can override price/tax/etc. if allowed by management
- Sales are tracked by the clerk ID for reporting/security
- Returns are incorporated into sales
- If Accounts Payable is running all POS activity is tied to general ledger accounts
- Registers have stand-alone capability for off site sales or for operation should the server or network connection be lost
All of the data pertaining to the sale is held for reporting purposes both at the end of the day and for later analysis. There is a suite of reports available for this purpose. And as in other areas of our system, we are willing to add custom features to our retail POS software.